Dates and TicketsHalfway to Halloween
General Admission Tickets
Info and Pricing
General Admission tickets are all sold with a scheduled arrival time during 30 minute time slots, each hour. Select your arrival time with a scheduled time during a 30-minute block each hour. For example, for a ticket purchased for the 7:00pm slot, you should arrive between 7:00pm and 7:30pm. We cannot guarantee you will be admitted during the :30 minute window you select. However, arriving in your time block will reduce crowding and allow for quicker admission and lower wait times overall. There may be a line already formed, and a wait beyond the end of your time slot, depending on how busy the night may be. Please know we work hard to keep the line flowing as best we can. Purchase tickets online or at the door at our Ticket Booth (cash only sales at the Ticket Booth). Ticket admits holder to walk through all 142 rooms in 11 inter-connected attractions inside.
General Admission:
(Price includes all fees. All ticket sales are FINAL. NO Refunds)
Immediate Access Tickets
Info and Pricing
Immediate Access tickets provide DIRECT ACCESS to the front of the line inside. You enter a special, separate Immediate Access line inside to skip the Regular Admission lines and walk directly to the front of the Haunt as the next possible admission. Purchase tickets online or at the door at our Ticket Booth (cash only sales at the Ticket Booth). Ticket admits holder to walk through 142 rooms in 11 inter-connected attractions inside.
Immediate Access:
(Price includes all fees. All ticket sales are FINAL. NO Refunds)
Parking: FREE!
Parking is free in the parking structure directly across from our entrance,
or in any close-by adjacent lot at the Janss Marketplace.